Solmaru Trail (솔마루길)

Address 233 Dotjil-ro, Nam-gu, Ulsan
ZipCode 44701
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OverView Solmaru Trail, an "Eco path of Ulsan" that connects the people with Mother Nature, is a 24-kilometer urban circuit walk that starts from Seonam Lake Park and connects to Sinseonsan Mountain, Daegongwonsan Mountain, Munsu International Archery Range, Solmaru Haneul Road, Samhosan Mountain and Namsan Mountain. Climbing up to Sinseonjeong Pavilion on top of Sinseonsan Mountain, visitors can enjoy a breathtaking panoramic view of Seonam Lake Park. The Daegongwonsan Mountain section features a gradual incline through a thick pine tree forest and is easily accessible as the route is connected to the city.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털