[Ganghwa Nadeul-gil Course 3] Royal Tomb Trail ([강화 나들길 제3코스] 고려왕릉 가는 길)

Address 24, Cheonghadong-gil, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon
ZipCode 23033
OverView The Ganghwa Nadeul-gil Trails are a collection of walking paths along the coast of Ganghwa Island that connect the watchtowers and and walls of Ganghwasanseong Fortress, as well as royal tombs and other historically significant sites from the Goryeo dynasty that dot the island.

[Ganghwa Nadeul-gil Course 3] Royal Tomb Trail
Course 3 stretches over a 16.2 kilometer area between Onsu Parking Lot and Gareung Tomb. This trail showcases the royal tombs of the Goryeo dynasty. The trail passes through forested areas between tombs and temples.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털