Best Western Premier Incheon Airport Hotel (베스트웨스턴 프리미어 인천 에어포트 호텔)

Address 48-27, Gonghang-ro 424beon-gil, Jung-gu, Incheon
ZipCode 22382
OverView The Best Western Premier Incheon Airport Hotel provides high-class service for guests, projecting an upscale brand image of the Best Western. The luxurious hotel offers guestrooms as well as restaurants, lobby lounge, and more. The hotel is ten stories high and has a glass elevator with views of the seaside and the nearby airport. One of the unique features of the hotel is its airplane-shaped roof.
Directions [Free Shuttle Bus]
From Incheon International Airport (F1, Gate 13B, Arrival Floor), take the shuttle bus.
Bus info: departs every 20 min / travel time: approx. 3 min

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털