Deogyusan Leisure Biketel (무주 덕유산 레저바이크텔)

Address 968 , Gucheondong-ro, Muju-gun, Jeonbuk-do
ZipCode 55557
Home Page
OverView Muju Deogyusan Leisure Biketel, in Gucheon-dong, Muju, Jeonbuk-do, has been remodelled by the Muju-gun office to cater for MTB riders and other leisure sports enthusiasts. As well as lodgings, the Biketel offers bike-tourist information,  space for bike-maintenance, and a sales point for local specialties. Regular guest rooms are 10,000 won per person, while larger, shared rooms are available for groups and families.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털