BENIKEA Hotel Bizinn (베니키아 호텔 비즈인)

Address 7-1, Mandae-ro, Wonju-si, Gangwon-do
ZipCode 26383
OverView BENIKEA Hotel Bizinn is located in Musil-dong, the central business district of Wonju. The hotel's location gives its guests a beautiful view of the nearby Chiaksan Mountain. Built with modern rooms and facilities, the hotel is also located in close proximity to Namwonju IC, Wonju Intercity Bus Terminal, Wonju Express Bus Terminal and Wonju City Hall.
Directions [Bus]
From Seoul Express Bus Terminal,take an intercity bus bound for Wonju (bus schedule: 06:00-23:00/ 15min intervals)
- From Wonju Bus Terminal, take a local bus or a taxi to the hotel (베니키아호텔비즈인).

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털