Gongju Hanok Village (공주한옥마을)

Address 12 , Gwangwangdanji-gil, Gongju-si, Chungcheongnam-do
ZipCode 32535
Home Page http://www.gongju.go.kr/hanok
OverView Gongju Hanok Village is in Gongju, Chungcheonnam-do, midway between the Songsan Ancient Tombs - burial place of King Muryeong of Baekje and his queen - and Gongju National Museum. The hanok are ondol-heated and have a card key security system. The village offers both individual and group accommodation, each in a different building; in the group buiding each room has a separate locker room and shower. Baekje history and culture programs on offer include a Baekje costumes experience, a royal tea ceremony, royal candies and Baekje relics.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털