Suaedang (안동 수애당)

Address 1714-11 , Sugogyonggye-ro, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
ZipCode 36734
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OverView Suaedang House in Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, was built in 1939 by independence activist Soo Ae Yu Jin-geol, and is a Gyeongsangbuk-do cultural asset. The hipped-and-gabled pavilion and the ㄱ-shaped gobangchae (female servants’ quarters) face each other across the courtyard, and the house has a 10-metre lofty gate. Suaedang was moved to its current location in 1987 due to the construction of the Imha Dam. The room and Daecheongmaru are red clay-walled and natural painted. The view of the lake from Suaecang is very beautiful.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털