Bukchondeak (하회 북촌댁)

Address 7 , Hahoebukchon-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
ZipCode 36760
Home Page http://www.bukchondaek.com
OverView Hahoe Bukchon House is the largest house in Hahoe, Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do, and was first built by Joseon civil official Ryu Sa-chun in the reign of King Jeongjo. Guestrooms include the former sarangbang (studies) called Bukchonyugeo, Sarang and Susinwa, as well as attic rooms and kitchens. In the yard is an exquisite 300-year-old pine tree resembling the curve the Nakdong River makes round Hahoe village. The house contains valuable relics, including a 17th century map showing Dokdo and Gando as Korean territory, and a painting of flowers given to Ryu by the king.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털