46-5 , Onhyejungma-gil, Andong-si, Gyeongsangbuk-do
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Nosongjeong Head House is located in Dosan-myeon, Andong, Gyeongsangbuk-do and is the birthplace of Toegye Yi Hwang. The room in which Toegye Yi Hwang was born is known as Toegye Taesil, and it is uniquely designed in the shape of a castle with banisters covering three sides of the center. There are seven guest rooms, including keun sarangchae (large detached building) and chaekbang (study), and a bathroom in anbang (main room). Nosongjeong Pavilion consists of two large rooms with a maru equivalent of a wide wooden-floored area, and the bathroom and shower are outside. Guests staying in the upper room, lower room, large room, and small room also have to use the outdoor bathroom. Nearby are historic sites such as the Dosanseowon Confucian Academy, Cheongnyangsa Temple, and Gukmangbong Peak.
정보제공 : 공공데이터포털