The Place Seoul (traditional Korean-style guesthouse) [Korea Quality] / 복합한옥공간 곳 [한국관광 품질인증]

Address 52-11 , Gyedong-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul
ZipCode 03057
Home Page
OverView The Place Seoul in Gye-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul, is a meeting place of traditional and modern Korea. It has a yard with a beautiful 80 year-old dogwood tree, and a small garden in which guests can enjoy the passage of the seasons. The Place Seoul is an environment-friendly place which uses eco-friendly consumables such as toilet paper and shampoo. Breakfast is simple and healthy. There are many good cafes in nearby Bukchon, and local tourist attractions include the National Palace Museum of Korea and the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털