Golden Grass (옛날에금잔디)

Address 18-1 , Ganghwaseo-ro 225beon-gil, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon
ZipCode 23018
Home Page
OverView Geumjandi on Ganghwado Island, Gyeonggi-do, is an 80-year-old traditional hanok with red clay walls, timber rafters and beams and a wooden porch. The yard includes a garden with flowers and pine trees, there is a fireplace and cauldron, and a well which adds to the charm. Both the anchae and the sarangchae have guestrooms, and the hanok is an ideal place for outdoor weddings or first birthday parties: a marquee, sound equipment and barbecue facilities are available to hire. Pets are welcome.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털