Good Guesthouse (좋은집 게스트하우스)

Address 2-15 , Maingyeteo-ro 40beon-gil, Mokpo-si, Jeollanam-do
ZipCode 58727
Home Page
OverView Good House Guesthouse in Mokpo, Jeollanam-do is just 5-minutes’ walk from Mokpo Station. There are 5 rooms which consists of a family room, an ondol-style room, and a bedroom-style room, all equipped with a bathroom and toilet. The kitchen and living room are shared. Parking is convenient, with a free public parking lot next to the guesthouse. A simple free breakfast is provided, and there is a vending machine where guests can buy instant rice, ramyon, etc.The landlord is a sculptor, and visitors will find his work on display. The Mokpo Modern History Museum and other local attractions are nearby.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털