House of Choi Champan (최참판댁 한옥숙박시설)

Address 75 , Pyeongsari-gil, Hadong-gun, Gyeongsangnam-do
ZipCode 52307
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OverView House of Choi Champan is a hanok stay in Pyeongsa-ri, Akyang-myeon, where the Seomjin River flows down from Jirisan Mountain, Jeollanam-do. The accomodation is in several different configurations: the two-storey Ilyeongjae and Wolyeongjae are both rented out as houses; Yeonhajae and Hoeramjae, which are single-storey with numaru(a raised open floor); while Unrakjae and Hoegyeongjae have several rooms with bathrooms, each rented out. Only the "Hoegyeongjae-1" room is equipped with Numaru. Cooking strong-smelling food in guestrooms is not allowed.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털