KT&G Sangsangmadang Chuncheon Stay (케이티엔지(KT&G) 상상마당춘천스테이)

Address 22 , Sports town-gil 399beon-gil, Chuncheon-si, Gangwon-do
ZipCode 24239
Home Page https://ssmdstay.com/
OverView KT&G Sangsangmadang Chuncheon Stay, near Uiam Lake in Gangwon-do, is a cultral space with "art" and "stay". It has an unusual exterior and offers tastful designed rooms - all of which are bright and comfy with AC, heating and ondol temperature control. There is a restaurant on the first floor, and in the basement guests will find a self-catering area, a music practice room, and a performance room. Cycling along Lake Uiam shore or taking a walk at Jungdo Mullegil, Gongjicheon Amusement Pakr are highly recommended.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털