J Square Hotel (주식회사제이스퀘어호텔)

Address 107 , Solbat-ro, Jinju-si, Gyeongsangnam-do
ZipCode 52794
Home Page http://www.jsquarehotel.com/
OverView J Square Hotel is located across Jinju City Hall. The hotel is comprised of a wedding hall and a banquet hall on the lower levels and a hotel on the fifth floor or higher levels. There are a variety of rooms available, so the user may choose according to their needs. Standard rooms are spacious and comfortable, and the floor is finished with laminate flooring, so you can feel at home in the room. Among the amenities are a breakfast lounge on the 6th floor, a café, a sauna, and a fitness center, making it convenient for guests.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털