272 , Gangun-ro, Imsil-gun, Jeonbuk-do
Chwirakwon is a popular hanok stay operated by the Association for the Preservation of Pilbong Farmer's Music of Imsil. Chwirakwon offers rooms for two or for groups, depending on the number of guests. There are 11 guest rooms, all of which have a private bathroom with a shower. It is recommended that you check ahead of time whether cooking facilities are available in each room. At Pilbong Cultural Village, you may dine in the restaurant or rent a grill. A permanent performance is held every Thursday through Saturday under the theme of Imsil Pilbong Nongak. Nearby tourist attractions include Okjeongho Lake and the Hoemunsan National Recreational Forest.
정보제공 : 공공데이터포털