Hanok Stay Unnie house [Korea Quality] 한옥스테이 언니집 [한국관광 품질인증]

Address 13-3, Wangsan-ro 5-gil, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul
ZipCode 02580
OverView Unnie house ("Sister House") on Wangsan-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, is a private hanok stay in the heart of the city. The house is inside an alleyway, where it’s quiet and tranquil. The accommodation consists of a living room, kitchen with exposed beams, lounge with a beam projector for watching movies, bathroom, bedroom, separate tea ceremony room, and yard. The absence of clutter and attention to detail in this space will heal and relax.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털