Elijah Resort [Korea Quality]엘리야리조트[한국관광 품질인증]

Address 2782-24 , Haeannam-ro, Ganghwa-gun, Incheon
ZipCode 23060
Home Page
OverView Elijah Resort on Ganghwado Island, Incheon, stands on a coastal site from where guests can watch the sun setting over the West Sea. Guestroom types range from basic standard rooms to deluxe; deluxe rooftops are suitable for small families, deluxe gardens for family gatherings, and loft-type grand suites with rooftop lawns can be used by two or more families. There’s an outdoor garden, a walking trail, a pay-for swimming pool and an outdoor barbecue area.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털