Deokseonjae [Korea Quality]덕선재[한국관광 품질인증]

Address 17-1, Yeonseo-ro 50-gil, Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul
ZipCode 03308
OverView Deokseonjae is a hanok stay in Eunpyeong Hanok Village at the foot of Samgaksan Mountain in Eunpyeong-gu, Seoul. The skyline of Bukhansan Mountain and the architectural line of hanok are in harmony. From the hanok’s upper floor, guests will find spectacular, panoramic views of Bukhansan Mountain and its Eco Park. The second floor guestrooms consist of a living room, sleeping room and a bathroom, while the first floor is shared with the owner's family. A welcome snack and breakfast are provided.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털