12 Haeundaehaebyeon-ro 197beon-gil, Haeundae-gu, Busan
Korea's one and only hotel for both pets and pet owners. The Petel Premium Suite opened in 2016 to promote a healthy and enjoyable lifestyle with pets, offering facilites and services for guests on a business trip or a vacation with their pets.
The Petel's guestrooms are carefully designed with the consideration of animals' behavioral traits, convenience, and safety. The guestrooms have non-slip floors to prevent joint injury of pets, stairways suited to pets, and a deodorant and disinfectant system. Depending on room availability, the hotel accepts large-sized dogs as long as they weigh 45 kg or less and under 70 cm in x_height, with the exception of legal guide dogs. Other amenities include a cafe louge that offers unique and healthy treats for pets and humans and a summertime swimming pool for dogs.
정보제공 : 공공데이터포털