Hotel Miranda (미란다 호텔)

Address 45, Jungnicheon-ro 115beon-gil, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do
ZipCode 17372
OverView Located in Anheung-dong, Icheon, Hotel Miranda is the largest premium hotel in Icheon and consists of 209 guest rooms in total. It is conveniently situated about 40 minutes from Seoul and equipped with excellent amenities.
Directions [Bus]
From Icheon Bus Terminal, turn left and walk for 80 m.
At the end of the terminal building, turn left at the first intersection.
Continue to walk straight for 200 m.
Cross the street at the 4-way intersection.
Turn right and walk for approx. 100 m and the hotel entrance will be on the left.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털