Jeju Marina (제주 마리나)

Address 45, Sin-daero, Jeju-si, Jeju-do
ZipCode 63119
OverView The guest wings of Jeju Marina are built on the northern and southern sides of the hotel, allowing guests to take in the view of the ocean from the middle of the city. From the south wing, guests can also take in the view of Hallasan Mountain and Baengnokdam Crater Lake. The hotel is easily accessible from the airport and has a spacious parking lot for the convenience of guests with rental cars.
Directions [Bus]
Take Bus No. 500 from Jeju International Airport to Sin Jeju Rotary.
Walk 50 m up the street and cross the road at the crosswalk.
Walk 200 m up the street to arrive at Jeju Marina on the right.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털