Hwacheon Tomato Festival (화천토마토축제)

Address 6 Munhwamaeul 1-gil, Hwacheon-gun, Gangwon-do
ZipCode 24157
OverView The Hwacheon Tomato Festival is held annually over four consecutive days in August in the area of Culture Village in Sanae-myeon, Hwacheon-gun. Starting off with a pre-event on the eve of the opening, it is followed by various exhibitions, hands-on programs, performances including tables with seating for one thousand people, finding a tomato gold ring, let’s play with tomato, tomato summer festival, tomato soccer, children’s swimming pool, and other varied programs related to tomatoes. Tomato sales and other programs will give excitement to every visitor.

정보제공 : 공공데이터포털